
Customer support service - BuyOwnEx

If you are faced with a technical problem, our experts are always ready to help with its solution, as well as hear suggestions for improving the services of the trading platform.

For the convenience of our clients, the technical support service works through the Ticket system 7 days a week / 24 hours a day.

Ticket system is a special section of the company's client panel that helps to establish effective interaction in the format of a user message sequence and technical support engineer on a specific issue or problem.

To create a ticket you should go to the Personal Client Account and choose Tickets section, which contains the history of all user tickets and their status, and create a new ticket. Next, you should choose the Direction that most closely reflects the essence of the problem or question that requires an answer, so that the Ticket is redirected to the most appropriate technical specialist.

In the Subject (Theme) of the Tiket, summarize the essence of the question and your assessment of the criticality of the problem or proposal. In the Message field, add complete description of the problem, if possible, attach a screenshot reflecting the problem. After that, send the Ticket to the support specialists.

Specialists process tickets in order of their receipt and priority problems. As soon as the request is processed, a support ticket will appear in the Tickets section.

We draw attention to the fact that requests that are not directly related to problems or functional proposals on the work of the exchange will be processed in low priority order.

If it is impossible to contact through the Ticket system, you can send an email to [email protected], and your request will be processed in the general order.

Terms of technical support

*technical support is provided free of charge for 1 (one) month of the exchange, from the date of its launch in the operating mode
*if necessary, you can extend the period of technical support. The cost of a subscription to provide technical support is from $925 / 1 month and depends on trading volume on your exchange

Create Ticket